
The Benefits of a Customer Relation Management System

Customer relations is one of the most important aspects of a business in the global marketplace. Even on a local scale, the difference between wooing local customers and having them go to ...

Potential Pitfalls of Cloud Computing

Many small businesses have discovered the use of cloud computing, which refers to the use of off-site servers to store data, as opposed to just having it on your own computer’s hard ...

Find Friends (And Customers) With Geolocation

Geolocation refers to the process of determining the location of a computer, a piece of networking equipment or a device. It usually uses Global Position Satellites (GPS) in order to determine the ...

Hackers Target Drug Company Secrets

It is no secret that hackers, the bad kind, seem to be everywhere. From local businesses trying to spy on their competitors to international peepers from anonymous foreign countries, every business and ...

LastPass Falls To The Hacking Community

It seems that no security company is safe from hackers as LastPass finds itself among the recent high profile hacks. If you’re not sure what LastPass is, it’s a secure password service. You ...

The Eyes Have It: The Rise of Biometric Banking

To increase the security of transactions and build trust with customers, the use of biometrics is growing as an identification tool for banks worldwide. The banking industry is under increasing pressure to ...

Why Hacking Is a Great Danger to Small Business

It may come as a surprise to many, but the source of most small business data breaches – about 80 percent – come from employees who either violate protocol or misuse their ...

Why Improving Security Is Difficult For Enterprise

It’s no secret, in the Data Security vs. Hacker war, the hackers are winning. Every year, we see more and more data breaches occurring on an ever larger and grander scale. Every ...

What Small Businesses Should Know About Content Marketing

Useful, targeted content marketing needs to be part of any small business’s strategy. Becoming knowledgeable about content marketing is key for the small business owner, and learning how to make the most ...


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